Group 1: Ten Essential Warmup & Awareness Videos – INTRO
Group 4: Ten Fingering Patterns – INTRO
Group 3: Ten Bowing Patterns – INTRO
Group 2: Ten Videos for Improving Your Playing – INTRO
Group 5: Ten Videos on Ornamentation – INTRO
A treasury of videos aimed at
helping you play better.
Each Group below contains ten videos.
Cost for each group is 12 credits for two months’ access. (1/3 off to renew)
(See below for Technique Sampler – 1 video from each group, 2 weeks/3 credits.)
Group 1: Essential Warmups and Awareness exercises, building easier and more efficient ways for you to control the bow and your fingers. Learn all these exercises and you can warm up with them in five minutes.
Group 2: Improving Your Playing, 10 ways to become more expressive and comfortable, exploring limits of sound, movement, doublestops, shifting to higher notes, and vibrato to warm up your sound.
Group 3: Ten Bowing Patterns, including reels, jigs, advanced options, strathspey bowing, the chop, drones, crossbowing, double shuffle, and bouncing bow.
Group 4: All About Fingering Patterns, 10 ways to play more in tune, scale and arpeggio patterns, pentatonic and broken third patterns, and more, with live action and animated Finger Finder patterns. Presents one-octave scales in order of most common finger patterns.
*First video free, see link next to intro.
Group 5: Ornamentation – ten ways to build grace notes and bowing ornaments into your muscle memory in very approachable ways, including slow and quick graces, rolls, birls/triplets, slides, and more.